This course led by Dr Tony Eaude is intended to help those working in primary and nursery schools to:
• gain a clearer understanding of the features of creativity and the distinction between teaching creatively and teaching for creativity;
• evaluate the strengths of their own provision and consider possible areas for development by reference to a set of key questions;
• recognise the opportunities and the difficulties of teaching for creativity across the whole curriculum and the whole age range of the school.
By considering the features of creativity, drawing on ‘All Our Futures’ (the Robinson Report) and Tony Eaude’s own writing, those participating will be enabled to explore how their pedagogy can be enhanced to enable children to learn more creatively, both within the core and the foundation subjects. Teaching for creativity is presented as an essential part of good teaching, rather than occurring only in ‘creative’ subjects. As such this course is closely linked to ‘Excellence and Enjoyment’, the Primary National Strategy and the development of personalised learning.
Courses are tailored to the particular needs of each school or group of schools but will involve a mixture of practical activities and discussion to explore questions such as:
- What is the distinction between teaching creatively and teaching for creativity?
- What does creativity ‘look like’ in science, PE, maths, music, English ….?
- What are the benefits, and the risks, of teaching for creativity?
- How do we plan for children’s creativity?
- Can we assess creativity? Should we?
The course is designed for staff in primary and nursery schools, whether from one school or a group of several and can be run either as a training day or a set of two or three staff meetings. Where there are separate sessions, additional benefit can be gained by the reflection and conversation which occurs, and is encouraged, between sessions.
As with all ‘New Perspectives …’ courses, it is hoped that participants will come to see their teaching in fresh and innovative ways, building on and enhancing their professional knowledge and providing new energy and motivation.
To discuss this course, or others offered by ‘New Perspectives…’, and how they can be most useful in your own context, please contact Dr Tony Eaude, 6 Long Wall, Littlemore, Oxford, OX4 4PG on 01865 711135 (phone/fax) or