New Perspectives … on community cohesion

This course is led by Dr Tony Eaude who was previously the headteacher of a multi-cultural Church of England First school. Now an independent research consultant, he has researched and written extensively in areas related to young children’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural development and and issues related to culture, identity and diversity.

The objectives are to help those working in primary and nursery schools, especially those in a leadership role, to:

• explore the different dimensions of the term ‘community’;

• understand what ‘community cohesion’ means in terms of a school’s duty to promote this;

• recognise the implications for teaching, learning and the curriculum, equity and excellence and the engagement of pupils and extended services;

• consider the criteria on which schools are inspected in relation to this duty;

• evaluate the strengths of their own provision and consider areas for development.

The importance of relating the requirements to the school’s own context and community will be a central theme of the course. Ways in which different stakeholders, including staff, governors, parents and pupils can be involved will be examined. Reference will be made to the specific challenges and opportunities for those working in different communities and types of school, including faith schools.

The course will involve a mixture of practical activities and discussion to explore questions such as:

• What does community cohesion mean?

• What are the criteria used by Ofsted in inspecting community cohesion?

• What sorts of evidence can be gathered to help a school know how it is doing? And convince other people?

• How does the duty to promote community cohesion fit with other priorities?

• What are the implications for provision in different types of school/setting and communities?

This course can be tailored to the needs of particular schools or groups. However, if run as a one-day course, it is anticipated that the programme will be as follows:

Session 1 The different dimensions both of community (local, national and global) and schools’ contribution to community cohesion (the quality of provision, the promotion of equity and excellence and the engagement of pupils);

Session 2 Inspecting community cohesion and the evidence required;

Session 3 Developing the school’s role in promoting community cohesion -challenges, opportunities and planning ahead.

As with all ‘New Perspectives …’ courses, it is hoped that participants will come to see their teaching in fresh and innovative ways, building on and enhancing their professional knowledge and providing new energy and motivation. To discuss this course, or others offered by ‘New Perspectives…’, and how they can be most useful in your own context, please feel free to contact Dr Tony Eaude, 6 Long Wall, Littlemore, Oxford, OX4 4PG on 01865 711135 (phone/fax) or