The importance of emotional well-being is widely recognised as a vital aspect of education especially with young children.
This course is led by Dr Tony Eaude, who was previously the headteacher of a multi-cultural first school and has researched and written extensively in areas related to young children’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural development, with recent work focussing on young children’s social and emotional development. It is designed for headteachers, members of leadership teams and teachers or other staff in primary and nursery schools and those who support them. The objectives are to help participants:
• understand the research background to young children’s social and emotional development;
• consider the features of emotional well-being and the key influences on this;
• explore the link between emotional well- being and other aspects of both personal development and academic attainment; and
• reflect on the implications for themselves and their school/setting, in terms of pedagogy and the provision of a broad, balanced and appropriate curriculum.
The course will involve a mixture of practical activities and discussion to explore questions such as:
• What is emotional well-being?
• What are the consequences of a lack of emotional well-being?
• What are the key influences on our own, and children’s, emotional well-being?
• What is the link between emotional well-being and attainment?
• How can teachers and other staff enhance emotional well-being for different groups, especially those who are vulnerable?
• What is the place of programmes such as SEAL and Family Links?
• What are the implications for the learning environment?
As with all ‘New Perspectives …’ courses, participants will be helped to see their teaching in fresh and innovative ways, building on and enhancing their professional knowledge and providing new energy and motivation. To discuss this course, or others offered by ‘New Perspectives…’, and how they can be most useful in your own context, please contact Dr Tony Eaude, 6 Long Wall, Littlemore, Oxford, OX4 4PG on 01865 711135 (phone/fax) or