The need for this course stems from a belief that the importance of child development, and the implications of different learning styles, has been given too little consideration in recent years in teacher traiing, both initial and inservice. The focus is on the practical implications for teachers of research into how young children learn. This course can be run in conjunction with ‘New Perspectives … on environments for learning’.
This course is designed for all teachers, headteachers, and other staff in primary schools. It is appropriate for the staff of an individual school or a local partnership of schools. The course will be helpful both to those with little knowledge in this area and those who wish to update their knowledge, possibly as part of the development or review of a learning and teaching policy. It can be adapted, where appropriate, for groups of teachers from different settings, such as teachers in initial training or those three years into teaching.
The course can be run either as a training day or a set of two or three staff meetings. Where there are separate sessions, additional benefit can be gained by the reflection and conversation which occurs, and is encouraged, between sessions. A conversation with the head, senior member of staff or course leader will be necessary, in advance, to determine the current level of knowledge and experience of potential participants and to establish the specific objectives to be met.
Participants will:
- gain a greater awareness of the implications for teaching and the curriculum of research into how young children develop and learn;
- be helped to reflect on the implications for their own practice and that of their school in the task of enhancing children’s learning and providing a broad, balanced and appropriate curriculum; and
- be offered practical suggestions for teaching styles and approaches.
According to the needs of the school, this course can be linked to the development of a school’s learning and teaching policy. As with all ‘New Perspectives …’ courses, it is hoped that participants will come to see their teaching in fresh and innovative ways, building on and enhancing their professional knowledge and providing new energy and motivation.
To discuss this course, or others offered by ‘New Perspectives…’, and how they can be most useful in your own context, please feel free to contact Dr Tony Eaude, 6 Long Wall, Littlemore, Oxford, OX4 4PG on 01865 711135 (phone/fax) or tony@edperspectives.org.uk